
Lopez, Donald

A sleek Boeing 777 carries passengers around the world. A hot-air balloon takes off for a joyflight in the still of dawn. A rescue helicopter hovers in wild winds above a stormy sea. The skies are crowded with flying craft. Flight is the story of all things that fly. From supersonic planes and the albatrosses that glide on strong winds to the myths of powerful gods that flew on magical wings, it explores the amazing phenomenon of flight. Have you ever wondered how things fly? The pioneers of aviation looked to nature for the answer and realised that insects, birds and other animals are built for flight - unlike the adventurers who imitated the birds by leaping from high places in flimsy wings. Orville Wright made the first powered flight less than a hundred years ago! The Wright brothers inspired many aviators, and the world was soon ablaze with flying achievements. Records were set and broken, aircraft technology was improved and distances were overcome.
Location edition Bar Code due date
Non-fiction 600-699 L005608
Genre:Non Fiction
call #:629.132 LPO