Maori storehouses and kindred structures

Best, Elsdon

Series: Dominion Museum bulletin
no. 5
Subtitle Houses, Platforms, Racks, Pits used for Storing Food
Table of contents includes: Raised storehouses (pataka) -- Adornment of the pataka -- Ordinary
storehouses -- Platforms or stages -- Semi-subterranean food-stores -- Pit stores (rua poka) -- Cave
stores -- East-coast types.
Summary: Raised storehouses (Pataka) -- Adornment of the Pataka -- Ordinary storehouses -- Platforms or
stages -- Semi-subterranean food-stores -- Pit stories (Rua poka) -- Cave stores -- East-coast types --
Notes by Ven. Archdeacon Walsh.
no information
call #:BES
ISBN:1877385077 9781877385070