Le Quesnoy : the story of the town New Zealand saved (Special Needs)

Harper, Glyn

Cooper, Jennifer

Le Quesnoy (pronounced Leck con wah) is a town in northern France. It is surrounded by high walls and deep trenches. In World War 1 it was occupied by the German army for four long years. In November 1918 the town was liberated by soldiers from far-away New Zealand. Because these men used a bit of kiwi ingenuity they were able to take the town back without a single civilian life being lost. This has become one of the most famous stories in New Zealand military history and the relationship between Le Quesnoy and New Zealand continues to this day. This book tells the story of Le Quesnoy liberation through the eyes of a child living in the town at the time.
400 block
Custom 2
written by Glyn Harper ; illustrated by Jenny Cooper
Location edition Bar Code due date
Te Pūmanawa Library B01416