Been there : young people's stories of struggle and hope

Langley, Steve (Editor)

Edited by Steve Langley, this is a collection of stories from 25 NZ young people, with an introduction by youth health specialist Dr Sue Bagshaw, and a poem (to a young patient) and commentary by poet and Youth Clinic GP, Dr Glenn Colquhoun. All the young people have written about a crisis or struggle and what has given them the hope to endure and to pull through. The remarkable openness of their writing means that you will feel anger at the way some young people are treated and admiration for their honesty and courage. You will find their stories sobering, insightful, sensitive and very moving. Many have commented on how valuable it was to them to write their story to actually detail their experience, many for the first time. This makes it a valuable resource for anyone working with young people, and for young people themselves, many of whom may be facing similar challenges.
Location edition Bar Code due date
Short Stories L018627
Genre:Short Stories
call #:LAN