Through thick and thin

Corlett, Shirley

13 year-old Matthew loves his new bike. He saved for ages to get it and it's his pride and joy. So when the bike is stolen from outside the fish and chip shop Matthew is devastated. His best mate, Caleb, swears he will help find the bike and their older brothers agree to help. But the older boys find other amusements - ones that include drinking and driving with devastating results. Caleb's older brother is killed in a stupid car accident and Matthew's brother appears to be responsible. The two families are torn apart with blame and the friends are told not to associate with each other. Matthew's brother remains silent and sullen, their mother distraught with the loss of her best friend, Caleb's mother. His family is suffering all round so Matthew decides to check out how Caleb is doing. When he tracks down his ex-best mate, he finds him riding his bike! Matthew is furious and faces Caleb, accusing him of stealing. Caleb confesses that it was all a big mix-up, made worse by the tragedy of the death of his older brother.
The friends decide that the only way they're going to get the two families back together.
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Genre:Family & Relationships
call #:COR
ISBN:1869436954 9781869436957