Boy, brothers and jelly-belly dancing

McCombie, Karen

So there I was, thinking that the last week of school would be mega-fun. OK, well, more fun than usual. Could I have been more wrong? Urm, no. I mean, next-door's barbecue degenerates into a sausage fight, I nearly have to call the RSPCA on Kyra, the Fun Run is more of a No-fun Limp and, oh yes, how could I forget that disastrous game of Spin the Bottle?
Custom 2
So there I was, thinking that the last week of school would be mega-fun. OK, well, more fun than usual. Could I have been more wrong? Urm, no. I mean, next-door's barbecue degenerates into a sausage fight, I nearly have to call the RSPCA on Kyra, the Fun Run is more of a No-fun Limp and, oh yes, how could I forget that disastrous game of Spin the Bottle?
Location edition Bar Code due date
Family & Relationships L014961
Genre:Family & Relationships
call #:MCC
ISBN:0439951836 9780439951838