
Jonsberg, Barry

Series: Pandora Jones
book 1
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Pandora Jones wakes in an infirmary - her body weak, her memory providing only flashes of horrific
scenes of death. She soon discovers that her family has succumbed to a plague pandemic which almost
wiped out humanity. Pan is one of the survivors who have been admitted to The School - a quarantined,
heavily guarded survival-skills facility - to recover their strength, hone their skills and prepare for
whatever comes next. Pandora's skill is intuition, but how useful will it be outside the secure walls
of The School? And what if it leads her to question where the truth lies...Plague. Pandemic. Intuition.
Secrets. Truth. Courage. Action. Survival.
Location edition Bar Code due date
Science Fiction L017995
Genre:Science fiction
call #:JON
ISBN:1743318111 9781743318119